Fake news about the arrest of doctor Pëllumb Pipero


The arrest of doctor Pëllumb Pipero during an interview on Klan TV is one of the tricks used by the online marketing of dubious medical products. “Faktoje” verified another case of using the image of well-known persons without their knowledge.

Esmeralda Topi

Images of well-known doctors continue to be used by portals to give credibility to medical advice recommending the purchase of unlicensed products. A website , built as a copy of the Klan national television website, published on September 4 the news of the arrest by the police of the well-known infectious disease doctor Pëllumb Pipero. ” The well-known Albanian professor Pipero was stopped by the police on live television as he was trying to discover the terrible secrets of doctors and pharmacies “, is written in the title that accompanies the photo of the doctor handcuffed by two policemen. 

The article continues with an interview conducted by the now iconic TV Klan journalist and anchor, Reis Çiço, with the doctor Pipero on the miracles of the advertised medication.  

The whole scenario is skillfully constructed to make this news believable and draw the readers towards the main goal, the purchase of the product that is advertised to clean the veins. 

However, a sharp eye can spot some details that make you doubt the authenticity of the news. The policemen accompanying doctor Pipero in the photo have uniforms that do not belong to the Albanian police; the doctor Pipero, appears in the writing as a heart surgeon even though he is an infectious disease doctor; Reis Çiço’s photo is that of his much younger colleague on TV Klan Redi Prifti, and so the article continues with many other mistakes that make you understand that the authors of this fraudulent marketing have been very creative, but fortunately, they do not properly know the Albanian reality. 

“Faktoje” contacted the doctor Pëllumb Pipero, who calls on the readers not to fall prey to these fraudulent schemes. 

“These news that are circulating now through portals or on Facebook are untrue, total lies. They should not be taken into account by citizens. They do it so they can sell these spurious medications that have nothing to do with diseases, and are even harmful to people’s health. An incalculable damage.” – emphasizes the infectious disease doctor Pellumb Pipero.

These are the most commonly used schemes to scam people online. For the same product, “Faktoje” previously made a verification in which the National Medicines Agency clarified that “Hypertea” is a food supplement and not a medicine. While the president of the Order of Pharmacists Diana Toma emphasized that: “I am convinced that there is no doctor who advertises such products. We need a response from the institutions to control this category of products as they affect the lives of citizens“.

In a series of articles, “Faktoje” has shown how certain portals misinform readers, using fake interviews to sell various medications or medical treatments.

*The news is published as part of the cooperation between Faktoje and Facebook to combat disinformation.


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